On Thursday 11 July, past Prefects from 1995 to 2023, as well as current 2024 Prefects, gathered in the Hall of Fame for the 14th Biennial Prefect’s Breakfast. This event provided a wonderful opportunity for Alumni, current prefects, and Ormiston College staff to reconnect and share experiences over a delicious buffet breakfast.

The morning began with a warm welcome from Headmaster Brett Webster, who shared the latest news and developments from the College. Following this, Head of Secondary School Paul Hornibrook and Alumni Association Committee President Courtney Allan (Class of 2004), each shared a few words.

Year 12 Music Extension students Riley Bell and Tamika von Stein captivated the audience with a powerful duet and solo performance, showcasing their exceptional talent.

The highlight of the morning was the inspiring presentation by guest speaker Chris Beath (Class of 2001). He shared his remarkable journey since graduating from Ormiston College, which included officiating numerous high-profile tournaments as an international Football referee, building a successful family business, and supporting the local community.

The event concluded with heartfelt thanks from the 2024 College Captains Josh Larkin and Paris Tzaneros, who expressed their gratitude to all attendees. They emphasised the importance of an event such as this in providing current leaders with the opportunity to learn from and be inspired by those who have come before them.

Biographies of our Past Prefects (current as at 11 July 2024)

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