Dedicated OC private chartered bus service
The College offers several chartered bus services for the exclusive use of Ormiston College students, offering families the option of private bus passage for their children. There are eight bus routes servicing suburbs from Brisbane and the bayside.
Bus Ticketing
Ormiston College uses the bus management software, RollCall in our eight chartered buses.
To use the chartered bus services, you will first have to contact our College via Debbi Taylor on 3821 8999 to be sent the RollCall welcome letter via email. This welcome letter includes a link and instructions on how to set up an account and password prior to downloading the Bus App, RollCall. Please note: RollCall uses a separate mobile App and is not linked to My Student Account (MSA). MSA is for Canteen and Uniform Shop purchases only.
All bus fares are $3.50 each way. The College has set a cap of $240 per term for bus travel. Please ensure there is money loaded onto your RollCall mobile App account. Students are required to tap their ID card when getting on the bus and when getting off the bus.
Tips and Tricks for families regarding RollCall Mobile App
Once you download the RollCall App, navigate and select all the relevant options.
- Adding your child to a bus and bus stop by selecting Bus Changes
(You should only need to add them once; you do not need to add them every/which day you wish to use the bus – it will automatically default to every day for two weeks in advance once the children start using the bus).
- Topping up the Account Balance of your child’s Student ID card for payment to travel on the bus by selecting $ Transaction
- Setting up notifications of your child's movements on and off the bus by selecting Alerts (select the MAIL option)
- Viewing the location of the bus when your child has boarded and tapped onto the bus with their Student ID card by selecting Map
- Adding another parent, guardian or siblings as ‘Secondary Carers’ so they can access the App by selecting Account Settings
Bus Stops
Bus drivers will stop at designated bus stops along the streets listed in the timetables, when flagged down by a student.
In the absence of a designated bus stop, drivers will also stop if a student flags down a bus, provided it is safe to do so for all involved. Please ensure you are looking out for the bus and you flag with plenty of notice.
The College will update routes where necessary.
Timetables include all streets followed along the route the buses are travelling; this does not necessarily mean stopping on every street unless designated bus stops are in place or students flag the driver.
These private charter bus services are subsidised by the College to ensure affordability for families, and are exclusively for the use of Ormiston College students.
Timetables and route information updates
The College and its private charter bus services operator continually review bus timetables and make updates where necessary. Parents are encouraged to view the schedules particularly at the start of the new school year as minor changes may impact on the services their children may use.
OC1: Cornubia, Mount Cotton, Redland Bay, Thornlands, Cleveland
Timetable and route information is available to download here.
OC2: Carindale, Gumdale, Chandler, Capalaba, Alexandra Hills
Timetable and route information is available to download here.
OC3: Rochedale, Sheldon, Capalaba, Alexandra Hills
Timetable and route information is available to download here.
OC4: Wynnum West, Wynnum, Manly, Manly West, Lota, Ransome, Birkdale
Timetable and route information is available to download here.
OC5: Victoria Point, Thornlands, Cleveland
Timetable and route information is available to download here.
OC6: Capalaba, Thorneside, Birkdale, Wellington Point
Timetable and route information is available to download here.
OC7: Thornlands, Cleveland, Raby Bay, Ormiston
Timetable and route information is available to download here.
OC8: Manly West, Wakerley, Gumdale, Ransome, Birkdale, Wellington Point, Alexandra Hills
Timetable and route information is available to download here.